Ballina Clinic - NEW*
39 River St, Ballina, NSW 2478
East Ballina Clinic
2/44 Links Ave, East Ballina, NSW 2478

Why Osteopathy?

Osteopathy sets out to improve vitality and peak function of the human body, in a targeted yet gentle manner so that the body can coordinate itself to attain a more seamless whole.
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Pain-Free with Osteopathy

Osteopathy will most definitely target your pain or injury and determine its root cause using hands on palpation, muscle testing and postural analysis. This process is always undertaken in the broader context of you as an individual including your overall health, lifestyle, work, diet as well your general demeanor and emotional state. The Osteopath aims to restore optimal function to your body, helping you move and feel pain free!

Some fast facts about Osteopathy

Osteopathy has been around for more than a century. It was developed by American physician Dr Andrew Taylor Still in the 19th century. Today it is recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a traditional system of medicine.

Osteopathy is a manual treatment that is non-invasive and drug-free.
AHPRA regulates Osteopathy in AustraliaOsteopath under allied health care. It follows evidence-based Osteopathy in which the Osteopath integrates their clinical knowledge with the latest available research and evidence to help manage your health issues.
Osteopaths study for five years, full-time at university to qualify. Osteopathy is one of 10 regulated healthcare professions in Australia.
Osteopathic treatment works well alongside other conventional medical practitioners including GP`s

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual, hands-on treatment that is drug-free and non-invasive. It focuses on the health of the entire body by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal structures of the body and other body systems such as the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

An osteopath will consider your physical body, emotional health, how you move, and what you do when looking at your symptoms. They see the body as an interconnected system, and often, as a result, Osteopathy will have fewer side effects than other treatment methods.

Osteopathy aims to help the body to heal itself by loosening tight muscles, increasing joint movement, improving your lymphatic and circulatory function, improving nerve communication and organ function.

In osteopathic philosophy, it is believed that misalignment of the body’s musculoskeletal system can inhibit its circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems, reducing its ability to heal itself naturally.

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How does Osteopathy Treatment work

Osteopathic treatment starts with an analysis of your current problems. The Osteopath will ask questions and assess your body holistically to identify what your complaint is and look at when the possible causes of your symptoms may be.
A man is getting his back massaged by an Osteopath.

They will then use manual, hands-on treatment that focuses on the whole body, including the soft tissue such as your muscles, ligaments and tendons, the spine, and the nervous system.

Your treatment session may include: Manual manipulation

  • Soft tissue massage
  • Articulation
  • Stretching
  • Visceral manipulation.

Because osteopathic treatment is gentle, it is suitable for many people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly or people struggling with complex medical issues.

Your Osteopath may devise a treatment plan that includes advice on posture, exercise routines, stretches or lifestyle changes, encouraging you to take responsibility for your long-term health and wellness.

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What happens in an osteopathic appointment?

The initial consultation pulls together all the strands that have brought you to this point, past medical history, other practitioner referrals, general health, diet, work and exercise habits. A comprehensive analysis of your presenting complaint, This is followed by gentle hands on palpation, muscle testing and postural analysis to ascertain the cause of the dysfunction. Once a clear understanding of the diagnosis is formulated, the osteopath will perform a hands on treatment, focusing on improving your movement potential through osteopathic massage, joint mobilisation, stretching and exercise rehabilitation advice.

Osteopathic treatment is suitable for people of all ages. Our professional approach will help you feel comfortable during treatment and we will provide excellent care to help you gain relief from your pain. To move with freedom and feel great!! That's our goal to help you achieve.

The treatment phase may include:
  • Manual manipulation
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Articulation
  • Stretching
  • Visceral manipulation.
Because osteopathic treatment is gentle, it is suitable for many people of all ages, as well as people struggling with complex medical issues.

Your Osteopath may devise a treatment plan that includes advice on posture, a home based exercise routine or lifestyle changes, encouraging you to take responsibility for your long-term health and wellness.

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What do Osteopaths treat?

Osteopathic treatment can help with

headaches and migraines
neck pain and whiplash
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childhood accidents and falls
back pain and hip pain
shoulder pain
tennis and golfers 
child scoliosis
sport and surfing injuries
occupational injuries
pregnancy-related pain
child asthma
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muscle strains and ligament sprains
infections such as ear, throat or urinary disturbances, which may be recurrent.

Are you ready to receive caring, supportive, drug-free and non-invasive treatment to start your healing journey?

Book an appointment online today.
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Is it time to take charge of your health?

Book an appointment or join our waitlist today.

East Ballina Clinic

2/44 Links Ave, East Ballina, NSW 2478

Ballina Clinic (River St)

39 River St, Ballina, NSW 2478

Foundation Health is your local provider of Osteopath services. We offer a wide range of Osteo treatments to the communities surrounding Lennox Head, East Ballina, Ballina, Suffolk Park and Byron Bay.

Take care of all your injuries by booking an appointment today!

Clinic Hours
Mon - Friday

8:00am – 6:30pm

9:00am – 3:00pm

Reception Hours
Mon - Friday

8:00am – 4:30pm
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